Sunday, October 3, 2010

Accountability & Freedom

Okay, so maybe I'll only post about accountability in this post. Freedom will come later. :)

I seriously need to plan our meals, or we are never going to be able to save money!! To that end, here is this week's menu.

Breakfast - Egg sandwiches
Lunch - pb&j wraps
Supper - need to think up someting!

Breakfast - malt o meal
Lunch - tacos
Supper -

Breakfast - grits & eggs
Lunch - pb&j
Supper - enchilada casserole

Breakfast - cream of wheat
Lunch - baked potatoes, broccoli, pork chops
Supper - soup & cheesy bread

Friday - fritata

Thursday, September 16, 2010

the fog has rolled in!

Fall is officially here!! Today as I was driving home, I realized it was foggy. One of my favorite things is when the first fog comes in signalling Autumn is here. I like to go for walks in the mist, but today the fog was accompanied by rain. :< Maybe later.

How will you vote?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

schedule changes

Well, today was supposed to be music class & Kiwanis lunch, but the boys woke up (well, Jonathan & Daniel did) with sore throats & stuffy noses. :( We cancelled music for the day. Maybe tomorrow. I think Jeff & I will still make the Kiwanis lunch. :)

Our schedule this fall is going to be a lot busier than it's ever been. Here's what it looks like ~

Mondays - 1PM-6PM -
Computer Clubhouse (Jonathan & Daniel only/in Lakewood)
Tuesdays - 1PM - 3PM -
PE/Swim lessons (in Lakewood)
3:30PM -
6PM -
Sonja works
Wednesdays - 10AM -
Music with Grandma
12PM -
Kiwanis lunch
Thursdays -
same as Tuesdays, except no work for Sonja)
Fridays - 10AM - 12PM -
Jonathan works @ Tostacaffe'
1PM - 3PM -
Homeschool Co-op

ahhhh ... last year, we had jujutsu, music and co-op. So we're a little busier this year! God is good!! I think what is throwing me most is Monday. We only have one car, but we may be borrowing another. That will be a big help. The problem with Monday is that even with two cars, I don't want to be driving back and forth from Lakewood four times. I'd rather find things to do down there so I can just stay in the area while the kids are there. There is the option of going to the Y with Nicholas, and also to Tina's house, and maybe doing my grocery shopping down there. I like the option of Tina's house (she said I could do laundry!! joy!!) because I could do school with Nicholas while we were there. It would give us a good amount of time to work on stuff that he gets embarrassed about at home (reading). All in all, I think this is going to work out - I just have to adjust my thinking (I dislike changing plans a lot). =)

On a happier note, last night we received "Pirates of Penzance" on DVD in the mail!! This morning I told the boys they could watch it (because they need to lay down and rest) and Daniel was very excited (he jumped up and went into the living room) about that. =) I like that the boys enjoy a variety of musical venues from Pirates to Weird Al. =)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Deep Thought

My devotions this morning -

"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." Genesis 3:6

Satan gets us to concentrate on the temptation instead of God. ~ Gladys M. Hunt

I found that statement to be deep. Just now, as I was typing the verse in, I realized something else. I always thought that Eve was alone - that she took the fruit back to Adam and talked him into eating it. But here it says her husband was with her. So that whole "Eve did it" argument is moot!! He was right there - he could have stopped her. Another reason the second Adam had to come. :) I'm so glad He did!!

** just a note - Jeff said that Adam wasn't "right there with her", but that when they said "with her" they meant "around" or because they were married. So ignore my whole schpeel about Adam being with her when she took the fruit.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New blog!!

Yay!! It's been a while (since March) since I could blog. Blogger changed stuff on me & life was just too busy to try and figure it out.
Now I have a new blog, Learning Joy, but you can still access any of my old blogs here.

Now I need to play with this and see what I can do with it!

Happy Saturday!!